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Here's Why Exotic Animals Belong in the Wild, Not as 'Pets' in Our ...

“True Compassion is showing Kindness towards animals, without expecting anything in return” 
- Paul Oxton.

 I am writing this to put up a passionate case for the freedom of these magnificent & mute souls who cannot speak for themselves-Wild Animals!
Animals play an important role in human life. Without them our own species will also cease to exist! Wild animals, like elephants, tigers & giraffes, live within a spacious and natural environment & are absolutely free! However, during evolution, humans have learnt to capture them & train them. They stared keeping them in the zoos & cages for the sake of pleasure, work or money.
My favourite wildlife enthusiast Steve Irwin famously said "Crocodiles are easy. They try to kill you and eat you. People are harder. Sometimes they pretend to be your friend first.”

There are three main reasons why wild animals should not be kept in captivity:
Firstly, the ecosystem becomes unbalanced. Secondly, the shock of being in captivity would depress the animals; they would act hysterically and hurt people near them. Have we not seen & heard of cases where the animals attacked their trainers & handlers? Thirdly, our practice of raising, herding and slaughtering animals on an industrial scale is causing mass extinction & spreading of various diseases.
I believe wholeheartedly in what Lawrence Anthony said: “The only good cage is an empty cage.” 

In order to protect the wild, we need to be educated about the wildlife that inhabits our planet. The zoo symbolizes man’s domination over his adversaries, his competitors for living space. As humans, and the superior species on Earth, we put exotic animals in zoos and aquariums in order to protect and learn more about them . However, in the process of saving  these animals from extinction, we are killing them off faster. Our rivals are either wiped out or driven back to the bush.

As, Axel Munthe profoundly said, "The wild, cruel animal is not behind the bars of a cage, He is in front of it." 
Humans are the biggest threat to all species on the planet now including our own selves.
I can only speak from experience when as a child, I loved animals and welcomed every opportunity to view a wild animal. We are big dog fans in our house. We have always had pets in our house.  But now, We have made a conscious decision to not have pets in the house as we are hardly able to care for them & spend time with them. Our family volunteers at CUPA now & contributes to help save these creatures from cruelty.

“Humankind must begin to learn that the life of an animal is in no way less precious than our own.”  
Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one who finds the torture and death of his fellow creatures amusing.
Let us lay our inner beast to rest & live in harmony the way nature always intended for us to. Let us coexist on Earth peacefully.

Let the wild animals stay Wild, stay Free & stay Majestic.